Tuesday, November 18, 2014

LIFE on the Edge dvds now available again by mail....

We are glad to announce that you can once again purchase LIFE on the Edge the DVD series through the following contact:

Call:  248-808-8080 or email: mi_moore@me.com 

Cost is $150 plus postage

Sunday, February 23, 2014

LIFE on the Edge in Action!

LIFE may be closed down but the legacy continues....LIFE on the Edge Bible studies were a big success in Ocala, Florida. We took the video series and the study guides and hosted a 24 week series that we just finished. These are some pics of the final presentation during our 11 am worship hour of the almost 30 folks who came!

 Certificates of empowerment were handed out to our LIFE on the Edgers reminding them they have marked Bibles to give Bible studies

The final lesson on witnessing was the focus of the 11 am worship hour!